Mental models for multipotentialites
The #1 Reason We Self Sabotage Our Projects
We don’t fully commit to them 😬
We block ourselves for two reasons:
1) We invest our identities into new projects. If they succeed we are successful, if they fail we are losers.

That’s a lot of pressure.
We fear we’re not quite talented enough so we don’t put in 100% effort!
If the project fails we can blame our lack of effort instead of talent.
In professional tennis, they call this tanking the game. It’s a subconscious self sabotaging thought pattern.
2) We have lost trust in ourselves to start and finish projects.
Both of these are self fulfilling prophecies for failed projects. This makes us feel deep shame.
After a few failed projects — and to avoid further shame — many stop trying altogether.
They not longer believe they can finish projects; so what the point in starting, right?
This is self limiting belief. It’s failing without trying and is just as shameful for any multipotentialite.
It’s giving up. It’s allowing ourselves to rust away.
We must adopt an experimental mindset
Experiments are short term goals where we don’t invest our identity into the success or failure of the projects.
Some experiments work, some don’t. That’s what experiments do.
It’s the experiment that succeeds or fails and not us.
This was a game changer for me.
I used to be embarrassed when people asked what I did.
But when I embraced the experimental mindset I was proud to talk about my experiments.
It was quirky.
Like I was a mad creative professor or something.

I had a trail of failed creative projects because I was putting too much pressure on myself to make them massively successful.
I changed this with my experimental mindset.
For example, when I started my newsletter, my goal wasn’t:
- To make a full time living as a writer
- It was simply to publish four articles in fours weeks.
- The goal wasn’t to get likes, comments or thousands of subscribers
The only goal is simply for us to complete the challenge.
The goal is to regain trust in our ability to start and finish projects.
We remove the pressure of having to make every project a success…which massively increases the chances of success.
It’s counterintuitive but once we stop trying so hard to succeed we tend to succeed more.
Simply because we have removed the pressure to be be successful.
Its the fear of failure that ensure the failure
This is the simple framework I use

Challenge: We create a challenge. It can simply be journalling every morning for 7 days
Or it can be more complex, 30 videos in 30 days on TikTok.
Action: Take action. Give yourself a small daily reward
Reward: Then treat yourself to something a bit more special when you complete the experiment.
We do this for three reasons:
1) We can experiment with lots of creative passions without the high expectations and self imposed pressure to turn every project into a massive success
2) We can rebuilt trust in ourselves to start and finish projects.
3) We get dopamine from doing challenges and novelty
If you want to get unstuck an get more shit done.
Then embrace tiny (messy) experimentIf you enjoy the experiment then keep going and it may become your business and purpose.
If you enjoy the experiment then keep going and it may become your business and purpose.
If you don’t then you have already given yourself permission to try something else.

This is the most common unseen reason for quitting projects.
We think we quit project because they’re hard.
But, in truth, we often quit projects because they’re not perfect!
We think if the process is difficult then its a sign that it’s not meant to be…
Because we are seeking purpose and meaning. We have convinced ourselves that perfection = purpose and meaning.
Perfectionists expect perfect results. But we also expect a perfect process.
But this is our unrealistic expectations.

- If you’re stuck it’s because you’re not taking action
- If you’re not taking action its because you’re not making decisions
- It’s because you fear failure and wasting your time by making the wrong decision
- Start tiny (messy) experiments — its the experiments that succeed or fail — and not us!!
- Don’t write a book, it’s too big a goal, write a chapter. If you don’t like it experiment with something else
- Start a new tiny (messy) experiment.
- Remove the pressure, get started, take action and get shit done!!!!
- By starting and finish tiny (messy) experiments you will rebuild trust in yourself.
- By overcoming challenges you will cultivate courage which in turn will rebuild your confidence.
Need More help?
If you’re fed up with being unproductive
If you want to get unstuck + get shit done…
👉 I do 1:1 sessions
👉 I have a digital course with incredible reviews
👉 I’m launching a multipotentialite mastermind
👉 All my services are designed to get you unstuck, give you accountability so you can get shit done!
How I can help

1:1 Sessions 💬

My Digital Course 🧠